Monday 5 May 2014

Evaluation 3

Evaluation 3

Future are a media distribution company are large media distribution company (Like Bauer but not as large) who appear to specialise in special interest magazines. They publish magazines such as Official Xbox, Total Film and Metal Hammer, which both appeal to their own specialised audience.

 "Future sells 3.2 million magazines every month; we attract more than 23 million unique visitors to our websites; and we host 27 annual live events that attract hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts" - From the companies own website.

Future expand their brands through the use of websites. Here are some of their listed:

They also host live annual events such as Metal Hammer Golden God Awards, Metal Hammer Live Tours, Mayhem Fest and Classic Rock Roll of Honour.

I feel Future would be an appropriate distribution company for my music magazine as they specialise in special interest magazines, which I think applies to my mag. They also have talent for expanding magazines such as Metal Hammer by creating relevant events for the magazine as well as the magazines own website as seen above. My magazine also deals with hard rock and not just metal which acts as a filler in the market as they do not appear to have a magazine that includes hard rock (as Metal Hammer is exclusively metal). This means that my magazine could compete with Bauer's Kerrang! mag.

I also came across IPC media. It produces over 60 music brands including NME, a magazine I have directly researched and analysed (as it is a rock magazine). It reaches over 26 million people in print alone and is therefore very influential to UK music.

I also found that iPad and iPhone versions of the magazine are available through it's publisher. I thought it'd be a very good idea to have a similar version of KRUNCH available on such a platform as my target audience are young and very likely to be very familiar in using gadgets such as these. NME is available in this format, however, Kerrang! is not which leaves a large gap in terms of market for fans that may wish to read a music magazine based on my selected music genres on their phones. This is a quicker way of accessing a magazine without having to go into a news agents to purchase one. On the other hand, audience members may not have a hard copy of the magazine, which would be seen as a downside to collectors.


I also looked at Bauer Media. This larger institution produces over 300 magazines in over 15 countries, as well as T.V, radio and online. Some magazines that they publish include Kerrang! and MOJO. My magazine is heavily influenced by and resembles Kerrang!. The target audience and music styles of each magazine carry numerous similarities and as a result, I felt Future was a better suited publishing company as there would then be competition on the market for Kerrang!.

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